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The Beginning:

North East and Central Part of Bihar are known as Land of Floods. Each year these areas are inundated by flood and people are forced to migrate. Women and children especially the teenage girls of marginalized population have been ones most suffering.

Circumstances are pertaining to the year 1987, when maximum population of Bihar got affected in the devastating flood. People had lost their earnings and livelihood. Male members had to migrate in search of bread and butter, leaving behind females and children alone at home. It was the phase of social discrimination strongly existing at all levels. Violence against women of marginalized community had become the common phenomenon. Poor families who were not able to pay the debt were bound to stay mute. The story of transformation started in late 80s when a group of change makers came together in form of ‘Bhoomika Sanskritik Toli’ (Bhoomika Cultural Team), led by Shri Arun Kumar Singh.

Strategically, they adopted low cost media performance to connect the marginalized population with the mainstream of society. The team started maneuvering across hamlets of highly poor and vulnerable people across Simanchal area of Bihar province.

The Residents of these hamlets were prone to Superstition, Social Taboos and cultural barriers. The movement of teams connected with people across villages to be part of social activities: such as Nukkad Natak, Theater and traditional folk shows for creating Social Awareness.

Association of people kept on increasing with cultural team and they started feeling change in their social behavior. Highly enthusiastic response and determination for making tomorrow better led to the formal registration of Bhoomika Cultural Team as ‘Bhoomika Vihar’ under society registration act. It was just the beginning of becoming Voice of Unheard.

The Transformation Process...

Our mission stands for bringing the holistic transformation in marginalized section vulnerable/victim women/girls as leaders, peer educators and change-makers. Ensuing gender responsiveness and transformative approaches, Bhoomika Vihar co-journeys with the roadmap to achieve SDGs 1, 5, 8 and 10. We work with women hailing from poorest families and marginalized community at their homes, villages/communities. Objective is to establish them into decent livelihood engagements, encouraging participation in economic growth and thereby reducing inequalities ensuring gender equity as well as ending poverty and dependency.

We explore and develop constructive partnerships with stakeholders for developing accountability, removing barriers, lead change and transforming social norms. We also explore horizontal and vertical process of organization development. Horizontal process includes partnership with civil society organizations expanding the shared vision, capacity development of partners, resource pooling and optimization. Vertically we look at induction, thematic diversity, internal capacity development of organization resilience and development of systems for sustainability. Due vitality and priority are assigned to the Reproductive and Sexual Health Rights of working women of any class, class, locality and set up. We are strongly convinced that the struggle of the marginalized Community can only be a primary stakeholder driven process. We endeavor to promote target community leadership, transforming victims into leaders, making survivors as rebuilders and creating resilience in the vulnerable community through community-based sustainable processes. Investment in such social capital is highly rewarding especially when women/girls transform themselves into creative, inspiring leaders and role-models; the multiplier impact is higher.