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Donate (INR) Donate (Foreign currency)Be Loud To Be Proud Bhoomika Vihar envisions a society free of all forms of violence and exploitation. Since the inception of the organization in the year 1996, it has supported approximately 5 Lac marginalized women/adolescent girls and childrens through educational, social, economic and digital empowerment following value added community-based sustainable approach in curbing multiple forms of violence across Bihar state of India.
CAF India (Charities Aid Foundation India) has certified our NGO as a OneStage (registered as Charities Aid Foundation India) Validated Organization.
View CertificateThe approach towards achieving the Goals of SDG-5 has been actively engaging beneficiaries on Education/Skill/Enterprise development. Continuously, emphasizing upon equal opportunities to bring them at par with rest of the woman/girls in the society. Bhoomika Vihar has been taking initiatives to provide stipend for education support to girls of weaker section apart from training them though Maike Kendras. Developing leadership and counseling for bringing in mainstream.
Digital StorytellersA solution oriented approach to raise the voice describing the real situation of girls/women for desired attention of stakeholders. Under this approach, multiple documentary movies have been made by directly engaging victims and vulnerable of trafficking as artists. These documentaries are means to address society at large with the message directly coming from bottom of heart of target groups. Some of these documentaries have received enormous response from viewers/media. Such as: One Night Bride, Swaha, I Exist etc.
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